At around 12:30 pm, I was still merrily working in the garden, spreading straw on freshly sowed grass seeds, battling high winds and racing against the clock before a predicted thunder storm comes along, I heard a crack and thump followed by an explosion. I first thought the wind ripped off my porch roof, but then I noticed downed power lines 20 feet behind me. An old tree behind my neighbor’s yard could not withstand the strong gusts, broke and fell into his yard, snapping an electrical pole and causing a transformer to explode and a power outage in the whole neighborhood. Hey, something different than the usualy Sunday activities!
Workers racing against threatening skies and the approaching darkness of night to get the electricity restored.
Monica waiting for the electricity to come back on, which eventually happened around 10 pm. The power outage didn't bother us too much. We had some battery-powered camping lamps from a previous camping trip and we used a propane gas stove to boil water for coffee. Of course it was a great excuse to barbeque.
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