Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring's Here!!!

Well, the Narcissus think so!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Midweek Musical Muse V - Musiek Tussen Die Spore

Elke land of taalgroup het sy veelsydige artieste. Mense was uitblink in verskeie kunsvorms soos sing, dans, teater, film, televisie, ensovoorts. Om ’n lewe daaruit te maak hang partykeer af van die aantal mense wat die taal praat en verstaan of die land se bevolkingsgroote.

[Hoe groter die taalgroup hoe groter die kans op sukses?]

Om ’n bestaan te kan maak in Suid Afrika as ’n kustenaar in Afrikaans was nog altyd meer van ’n liefdessaak as ’n hoogs kommersieele nastrewing. Afrikaans is ‘n klein taaltjie in vergelyking met Engels of Spaans. Dis waarom veelsydigheid amper ’n vereiste is om brood op die tafel te sit. Nie dat almal arm is nie, maar geen kan kan met Cher vergelyk word, wat kommersieel hoogs suksesvol is en met ‘n Academy Award (Oscar), ‘n Grammy, ‘n Emmy en drie Golden Globe Awards en vele ander toekennings kan spog. Daardie tipe wereld wye ster status van veelsydigheid te same met kommersieele sukses is raar.

Ek weet nie wat se kommersieele sukses Richard van der Westhuizen behaal het nie, maar ek glo dat veelsydigheid bygedra het tot sy vermoĆ« om ’n bestaan te kon maak as ’n hoogs suksesvolle en baie invloedryke Afrikaanse kunstenaar oor dertig jaar. Richard speel toneel: In teater, televisie, films en radio het hy saam met Afrikaans se grootste akteurs en aktrieses opgetree. Hy is groot in oorklanking na Afrikaans. Hy maak musiek, alleen of saam met Lochner De Kock en Andrew Roos of saam met Anton Goosen, Piet Botha en Andre Swiegers as 4. En hy is betrokke by musiekteater saam met Karen Wessels en Anneke Visagie.

Op al die gebiede het Richard van der Westhuizen tot dusver diep spore gelaat in Afrikaans en Suid Afrika.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Feathered Hat

When I saw this picture of Queen Elizabeth with all its earthy colors and the feathered hat which looked like someone squashed a big fat hairy spider on it, I wondered:

1) Was she pissed off because someone in a high pitched voice, while frantically pointing, made a remark about a spider on her hat?
2) Was she walking her beloved dogs and just realized she stepped in a pile of dog shit and is afraid to look down?
3) Is that how President Zuma dresses for a visit to England? For God’s sake it’s winter here!
4) Was that last fart a wet one?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Danville Becomes Wet

Danville voted YES to become wet!!!

Prohibition in America ended in 1933 on a federal level, but the Twenty-first Amendment still allow states the right to restrict or ban the sale of alcohol and many states or towns still do. Others like Kentucky, over years of gradual repeals and loosen restrictions by area created an ugly quilt of laws that led to the creation of wet or dry or moist counties and towns across Kentucky. And in several other states across America for that matter.

In 2003 Danville voters selected to end the town’s dry status and to become “moist”, thus allowing the sale and purchase of liquor in restaurants under certain conditions.

Today the voters were back at the ballot box and voted to become wet, thus allowing liquor stores to be open and freely sell beer, wine and liquor and no restrictions on restaurants that alcohol sales must be less than 30% of their total sales.

Good ole democracy at work. Allowing responsible people their civil right of trade and not having a government law defining morality.

So being a Yes-man today I say thank you to all the other Yes voters for normalizing a perfectly accepted practice of allowing those that want to buy a perfectly legal product in their own town and not having to drive to another county or town.

Next is for the state of Kentucky to enter the 21st Century proper and repeal the restriction of alcohol sales and purchases over the Internet.

Election results: Yes vote: 57% No vote: 43%.

Related Article:  Kentucky’s Archaic Alcohol Laws